Lost your keys, had them stolen or sadly been broken into? Here at Cathedral Locksmiths, we understand that being unable to access your property can leave you feeling panicked or at risk – but we are here to help! Take a breath and read our short blog on what to do if you require an emergency local locksmith in the Cambridgeshire localities. 

24 Hour Emergency Locksmith

Our emergency locksmith Cambridgeshire service is 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – which means that our customers can always rely on us for any locksmith services from boarding up to security surveying.

Our Simple 3 Step Guide:

1. Don’t panic

This may be easier said than done, but try not to panic – so many people have been in your shoes, it happens all the time! Make sure you do not have an available set elsewhere (as this could save you money and worry)! Alternatively, if you require a locksmith due to a burglary we recommend calling the police straight away; so they can ensure the property is safe to enter.

2. Call Cathedral Locksmiths

Call our friendly team at Cathedral Locksmiths. If you are within a 30 miles radius of Ely, then we are an easy 30 minutes away from you. Our priority is to make sure you feel safe, so we will be with you straight away.

3. Try to Relax

We know this can be an incredibly stressful time and sometimes upsetting! But we are down to earth local locksmiths, and we will reassure you, get the job at hand done, and make sure you are safe. Our 24 hour service has been designed precisely to make sure you feel safe and protected when you need it most.

With our experience and expertise, we are the tried and tested Cambridgeshire locksmiths that you can truly rely on to offer an honest, affordable and timely service.

Call a member of the Locksmith team today!